
Visit to RFA HQ 26 June833 viewsPat Thompson, Sue Thompson, Alan Williamson, Frank Andrews, Anne Andrews, Cdre Rob Dorey, Mary
Maclean, Andy August, Ian Maclean, Jaqueline Kendal, Maureen Williamson.

Visit to RFA HQ 26 June638 viewsBack Row, Frank Andrews, Pat Thompson, HRH, Andy August
Front Row, Alan Wiliamson, Anne Andrews, Sue Thompson, Maureen Williamson, Jaqueline Kendal,
Mary Maclean, Ian Maclean.

NMA Alrewas 14 Jun 2014517 viewsBrian Taylor, National Standard Bearer
Ray Jago, Plymouth Standard Bearer
Gordon Monks, London Standard Bearer

National Arboretum 14 June539 viewsBrian Taylor, Phil Roberts, Gordon Monks & Paul Harvey.
Photo Ray Jago.

MN Memorial Cardiff519 viewsAdrian Walker lays a wreath for the Association.
Photos Chris Ware.

MN Memorial Cardiff530 viewsAdrian Walker lays a wreath for the Association.

MN Memorial Cardiff892 viewsFalklands Anniversary 24 May 2014

Joe Feneck's is closing down561 viewsPlymouth Herald. Photo Ray Jago.

Our Man Down South504 viewsPhoto Tristan Kelly- Defence Focus.

RFA Standard at Tower Hill543 viewsMN Day 8 September.
Photo Byron Jones.

Ed Perrin598 viewsFrom the Nautilus Telegraph
As we remember him.

UNDER THE BLUE ENSIGN AGAIN 650 viewsMeeting together again at Padstow, from port to starboard. all ex RFA SRO's
Mike Austin, Eddy Perera, Martin Seymour, Ian (Schofe) Schofield-Beeevers. Mike and Martin are volunteer engineers on the "Pride of Bristol" - ex HMS Messina a fleet tender now run out of Bristol as a charity.

RFA Golf 2013533 viewsSteve Donkersley
From Rupert Drew -->

RFA Golf 2013597 viewsRobin Locke & Roger R-B

RFA Golf 2013844 viewsSyd Kempton with Cdre Bill.

Wreath Laying at Fitzroy 8 June479 viewsChris Locke